With ND daily COVID-19 positivity rates fluctuating so much I created a 14-day centered moving average and overlaid it on the daily values to look at trends and smooth out the volatility.
Legislative Acts v. Executive Orders
I am working on a project and the issue of regulation came up. I piped up about executive order v. legislative acts. I got told to go find data and I did.
Fertility and Employment-Current Research
Working on a paper for presentation at a conference this summer and chair work took much of this week away from my blogging. Oh and a revise and resubmit. That is not helping either. I keep getting excited by the paper though. It is a continuation of a master’s thesis I supervised and the former student, now co-author, really likes the topic too. We are looking at fertility and the impact of various employment classifications for women and their partners. We have around 2.2 million observations so if a variable is not significant we know it is NOT significant.