I am taking a deeper look at the accumulation of deficits and debt in American fiscal policy. It is a big issue with politics and political parties doing their best to counfound the central issues.
North Dakota Tax Revenue By Biennia
I look at the North Dakota total tax revenues over the 24 month biennium window for the current and past nine biennia. There are some seasonal patterns that come to light as well as some exceptional months for certain biennia (outliers?). I look at the accumulated total revenues over the biennia as well to look at the path of biennial fiscal revenues.
What does it mean to be a fiscal conservative?
So this is a bit longer, wordy post about an issue I confronted before on the radio and in other discussions. I do not think the term fiscal conservative means what people think it means.
North Dakota Income Tax History
The legislative session will discuss many policy changes. Governor Burgum suggested a change in the ND individual income tax. I provide a look at data from about the last 20 years in this post.
Debt Limit Discussion, Radio Primer
This ended up a longer post than I intended. I discuss current federal outlays and receipts and the debt limit. The sad fact is neither political party seem to treat the issue seriously.