As part of the undergraduate population analysis class we obviously took a look at fertility calculations. I brought in some data for the class to look at after consulting a bit about which states to choose. A big theme had been social norms and behaviors and how they can, can mind you, show up in data about fertility.
Continue reading Total Fertility Rate in Select States (from class)Demographic Policy Lessons for North Dakota
It is a constant refrain on my part. Population is the key. This is true if I am in class teaching undergraduate or graduate students, on the radio talking with JT or the public, or in casual conversation with family or friends. Population is a key to growth, and I think most people get it. The problem is arriving at a policy that encourages sustainable population growth. North Dakota has more jobs than unemployed, and has had the problem for a long time, indicating an issue with attracting in-migration in needed numbers. Neither have we seen a demographic change in births or mortality sufficient to overcome these problems.
Continue reading Demographic Policy Lessons for North Dakota