I have not posted about COVID in ND lately so I decided to give a quick update aggregating to monthly numbers. I also talk about the overstatement on some of the labor force discussion.
ND Labor Market Update (JOLTS)
The health of the labor market is a big issue right now for many callers and the listening audience in general. I provide a look at the JOLTS data for ND in this post.
Where do we get workers in Grand Forks (and anywhere)?
As we talk about economic development and labor shortages there is a need to think about where we can turn, as a matter of policy, to fill these labor needs.
North Dakota Continuing Claims & Unemployment Benefits
Will removing extra federal unemployment benefits impact ND labor markets? I am skeptical and here is why.
North Dakota Economy Reset
North Dakota is thinking about recovery and that is great. Here is where some parts of the economy are right now to help understand how far we need to recover.