On the subject of gas prices there is a very direct action possible by government that is not getting any real attention: a temporary tax holiday.
Capital gains and inflation are complicated
Sipping my coffee this morning and reading the paper about the proposed capital gains tax cut it struck me that this is a really big change with very unclear consequences.
Taxes and timing
One of the most interesting stories of the aftermath of the tax legislation is the race to pay property taxes this year in many states so they still qualify for deductions. Clearly this is a big issue for those living in high tax states. The images are amazing when you think about it. When was the last time you saw a line of people to pay their taxes well before the due date?
Tax Return Distribution for North Dakota, 2015
The state of debate in the country regarding taxes being what it is I thought I would make a few posts on the topic over the next few days. There are many issues with the legislation being discussed (intentionally not using the word debated right now). The issues and implications for North Dakota will need to wait for another post, but it will be forthcoming.
Continue reading Tax Return Distribution for North Dakota, 2015
Who knew tax cuts would be so difficult?
The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.
-Will Rogers